March 18, 2008

Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress

The term trauma is derived from the Greek for "wound." It is imposed on people via unwanted external forces and can result in physical or emotional injury. Although post traumatic stress was formally identified in the 1970's, it has become increasing recognized. Experiencing or witnessing abuse as a child is "a well-established risk factor" for developing multiple mental and emotional illnesses, including "depression, eating disorders and substance abuse, as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)." In fact, research is showing that "tiny differences in the genetic code seem to make the difference between whether an individual with a childhood history of abuse rises above it or struggles psychologically when exposed to traumas later in life." This may explain human variences in resiliance. I don't interpret this to say that humans can't learn to increase their psychological elasticity to cope with life's infractions. Personally, I see every challenge as an opportunity to assess my inner strength and ability to apply learned coping skills.

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